Breaking News With Alex McCord
It's about time this story broke.
"Good evening I'm Alex McCord. Tonight's top story: Me."
"Good evening Im Alex McCord. Before we go any further I must apologize for last night's top story."
"Good evening I'm Alex McCord. Although I apologized last night, I have decide to take that apology back. Indeed I AM tonight's top story."
"Good evening, I'm Alex McCord. Before we go any further I have been instructed to read this prepared apology. Even though I deserve to be, I am not tonight's top story."
"Good evening I'm Alex McCord. They have cut my mic, but I have my own and I will use it to say this: Tonight's top story is me. It should be. I deserve it."
"Good evening, I'm Alex McCord. It has been a while since I brought you the news. In my forced vacation time, I have learned to play the piano and I don't like it. Even though I have been told to say otherwise it is my duty to inform you that yes, I AM tonight's top story even though they probably won't tell you that. It's true."